This page should be referenced once the site is active and has received a formal invitation letter from the ALZ-NET Operations Team. If your site has not received a formal invitation letter, please refer to the steps on Join the Network.

Office Hours

The ALZ-NET Operations team offers office hours for sites going through the startup process. Office Hours are held via Zoom and occur weekly on every Tuesday from 12pm-2pm EST and every Wednesday from 2pm-4pm EST. This is open to all sites in the start-up process.


The Alzheimer’s Network for Treatment and Diagnostics (ALZ-NET) will collect longitudinal clinical data from enrolled patients treated with novel FDA approved Alzheimer’s Disease therapies.  Patients must meet the eligibility criteria to enroll.

Site Activation

The onboarding process with ALZ-NET will require the completion of mandatory steps before the site is considered active.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

All participating sites must use Advarra IRB as the IRB of record overseeing their research activity. Local IRBs are not permitted to serve as the IRB of record for ALZ-NET, however the study team understands that local IRBs may need to review and acknowledge, per local policy, before a site is fully active to enroll.

Image Submission

ACR TRIAD will serve as the image collection application for ALZ-NET. The American College of Radiology provides detailed guidance and instructions to sites on how to operationalize the image transfer process.

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