Participation Information for Health Systems and Health Care Providers

Become an ALZ-NET Site

There is an urgent need for a cohesive approach to evidence-based diagnosis, treatment, and quality care for all individuals and their families affected by Alzheimer’s disease and all other dementia. ALZ-NET is a supportive infrastructure for frontline clinicians and staff to create an environment of clinical and system readiness based on real-world learnings from clinical care.

Benefits of participating in ALZ-NET

ALZ-NET aims to support evidence-based diagnosis, treatment and quality care. ALZ-NET seeks to reduce the burden of clinical assessment, monitoring, and care planning while streamlining the collection of real-world data to support clinical care.

  • Leverage the Alzheimer’s Association’s experience collaborating with a national network of providers.
  • Receive site remuneration for operations and data collection, including site start up and case-based data entry payments.
  • Utilize ALZ-NET as a pathway to Medicare coverage for anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s therapies that have received traditional FDA approval.
  • Gain insights on your patient population through data shared back to your institution.
  • Adopt new solutions to capturing, interpreting and harmonizing Alzheimer’s and other dementia data and insights that will inform quality improvement strategies.
  • Access resources that are aggregated through ALZ-NET to support clinicians and their staff in emerging science.
  • Receive educational support for the appropriate use of therapies, biomarker interpretation, and safety monitoring.

For any additional questions, please contact [email protected].

Expanding community impact across health care settings

ALZ-NET connects academic researchers, EHR companies, medical imaging, policy makers, life sciences company, payors, clinical trial & researchers, private & public funders, vendors, providers, hospitals, public health, person & caregiver, care professionals, health system sites, and pharmacies

ALZ-NET is inclusive of all communities, collaborating with a broad demographic of health care providers serving patients across a variety of clinical practices. ALZ-NET is an integrated network of experts working to improve detection, diagnosis, and access to treatments and quality care planning.

ALZ-NET operations

All resources related to ALZ-NET operations are managed by the American College of Radiology.

Explore the ALZ-NET Site Operations Toolkit, your comprehensive guide to successfully participating in the network. From site startup to data collection, this toolkit provides step-by-step support to help streamline processes, answer common questions, and optimize your site's ALZ-NET activities.

Resources for health systems and health care providers

Find additional resources for health systems, health care providers, and researchers regarding ALZ-NET operations, prevention and risk reduction, assessment, detection and diagnosis, treatment, and comprehensive care.

Alzheimer’s Association resources

Browse information, tools and resources for those working in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia care, including for health systems, medical and health care professionals, professional care providers and public health professionals.

Alzheimer’s Association education center

  • Clinical education: The Association offers a number of online Alzheimer’s and dementia courses for scientists, clinicians, physicians, and dementia professionals.
  • Research webinars: Join the Alzheimer’s Association and ISTAART for a series of webinars that share the latest advances in Alzheimer’s and dementia research and career development strategies.
  • Public health: The Association is your source for online courses about public health and dementia for public health students, educators, and professionals.